


Let’s meet where two continents meet…

Coordinats : 41°00’49.0″N 28°57’18.0″E

Istanbul with numbers


Coordinates: 41.09 north, 29.42 east
Area: 5.461 square km
17% is good for agriculture
47% is forested area
36% open for housing
1,1 m2 green for 1.000 people
Highest hill: 537 meters, Aydos Hill on the Asian side
Neighborhoods: 936
Districts: 39


Average temperature: 13,6 degrees Celsius
Average relative humidity: 79 %
Average sea temperature: 15-16 Celsius


Housing: 869.444 buildings or 4,135,106 single units (approximate in 2012)
Islamic Mosques: 3.356 (as of January 2017)
Christian Churches: 143
Jewish Synagogues: 16


Tourists: 9.203.987 (2016), which is about 30% of total arrivals in Turkey (36.244.632 tourists in 2015)
Hotels: 471 (80+ five star, 100+ four star, 90+ three star, 110+ two star, 10+ one star, 125+ special category)
Beds: 150,000 (as of Jan 2015)
Travel agents: 2,441 (in 2014)
Sites: 63 museums, 64 historic mosques, 66 historic medresse, 49 historic churches, 1 historic synagogue, 17 palaces
Tourist entertainment installations: 349